Report released on securing America’s future

On October 24, 2023 the National Network for Critical Technology Assessment culminated its year-long effort with the release of the report, Securing America’s Future: A Framework for Critical Technology Assessment. The launch event was held in partnership with the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation and The Hamilton Project at Brookings.
- One page summary
- Read the report
- Launch event details
- Media inquiries: Michael Starz
Praise for Securing America’s Future
“Solutions to many of the challenges confronting our nation—from the environment to health care, from national security to the economy—require technology advances. Herein is a pathway to such advances.”
– Norman Augustine, Former Chair and CEO, Lockheed Martin
Former Undersecretary of the Army
“This insightful report makes a compelling and well-documented case for a national office that spans agency missions, capable of deep analysis of critical technologies, the US position in these technologies, and the risks to continued US leadership and access. The country’s economic and national security are dependent on a number of key technologies, and a better and earlier understanding of these dependencies and the risks to them has become mandatory.”
– John Hennessy, Professor and President Emeritus, Stanford University
“US leadership in the critical technology areas that will be required for our global competitiveness can no longer be taken for granted. Using examples in several key technology areas, this must-read report shows how analytics can help inform our citizens, Congress, and federal agency leaders on where investments are needed to secure our future.”
– Willie E. May, AAAS President-Elect; Vice President of Research, Morgan State University
Former Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology
“NNCTA’s report highlights the urgent need to restructure how we deploy national funds to support the commercialization of technologies critical to US advantage.”
– Katie Rae, CEO and Managing Partner, The Engine
Media mentions
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Fuchs elected to the Board of the National Semiconductor Technology Center
EPP’s Erica Fuchs was elected to the board of trustees that will oversee a nonprofit entity that is expected to run the National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC).